Cleaning Stainless Steel: The Facts

The myriad properties of stainless steel, such as its strength, aesthetic appeal, cost effectiveness and resistance to corrosion, make it one of the world's most popular materials for a vast variety of applications. Another key quality is its inherently high level of hygiene, which is particularly useful in industries where this is of crucial importance such as food production and medical establishments. 

Wherever stainless steel is used, it is necessary to keep it clean in order to ensure continued high performance and a long service life, not to mention maintaining its aforementioned aesthetic appeal. Deposits left on its surface during regular usage can cause the stainless steel to become discoloured over time, affecting its appearance as well as its ability to resist corrosion. 

Choosing the right grade of stainless steel and surface finish is an important consideration as different applications have correspondingly different requirements according to the environment in which these applications take place. The good news is that general stainless steel cleaning is very easy to carry out, especially when done as part of a regular maintenance routine. This is always the best way as leaving it to build up will make the cleaning process more difficult and time consuming.

For many applications, simply cleaning the stainless steel surface with water and a suitable soap or detergent is sufficient. A diluted solution containing 1% ammonia is also ideal. One thing to always check is whether the detergent contains bleach or other chlorides, in which case it should not be used as this can damage the metal. It's also important to avoid abrasive materials such as scouring pads, instead opting for a soft cloth. Always finish by rinsing the cleaned area thoroughly with fresh water.

Where deposits have built up, they can be more stubborn to remove. In such cases, you should research the many commercial polishers, cleaners and other janitorial products available on the market which have been expressly designed to clean stainless steel. Whichever you choose, always follow the provided instructions to the letter.   

One of the most potentially difficult (and unfortunately extremely common) types of marks to remove from stainless steel are those caused by graffiti. The best solution is Tetrion Easy Spray Graffiti Remover, which is available to purchase from BS Stainless. We have been using this superior non-drip gel formula for many years to prepare our stainless steel before coating and polishing it. Working quickly, efficiently and reliably without leaving any residue, Tetrion can also be used successfully on glass, wood and galvanised steel. 

For more information about keeping stainless steel clean, please browse the BS Stainless website or get in touch with a member of our skilled technical team of experts. 

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