Stainless Steel Graffiti Removal

Graffiti and stainless steel have one thing in common: wherever you look, you're bound to notice some! It is far from being a modern phenomenon: people have been making their mark with graffiti for millennia. One of the oldest pieces of graffiti yet discovered was found at Pompeii and dated to the year 78 BCE. What did it say? "Gaius Pumidius Diphilus was here". How little has changed throughout the centuries!

All over the world, graffiti 'artists' continue to deface public property with anything that comes to hand, be it spray paint, ink or marker pen. Any surface seems to be fair game from walls to bus shelters and just about anywhere else you care to mention.

Perhaps it is unfair of us to put inverted commas around the word artists in the above paragraph. Many pieces of graffiti can indeed be considered as art. Everybody has heard of Banksy, who has become one of the most famous artists in the world with his stencil graffiti. The owners of walls that Banksy has painted on have ripped those walls right out in order to sell them, often for many millions of pounds.

While the work of serious graffiti artists like Banksy can actually enhance the aesthetic value of any given space, such examples are unfortunately few and far between. The majority of graffiti is objectively ugly and can often be offensive. Rude words, even ruder doodles and the classic 'X was here' do nothing to add character to a place!

Getting rid of graffiti is notoriously difficult, especially when it has been executed using materials intended to be permanent. It can be costly in terms of both time and money, with no guarantee that you'll be able to erase it completely. If you find yourself in this position then what you need is Tetrion Graffiti Remover from BS Stainless. 

Tetrion Graffiti Remover is a powerful gel formula which is supplied in a convenient, lightweight and ready-to-use spray bottle. Applied to just about any surface from glass and timber to masonry and metal, the non-drip formula penetrates deeply into the offending graffiti and makes removing it fast, safe and super-effective. 

Back in the early days of BS Stainless, we began looking for a product that would effectively remove ink marks on stainless steel that were added during the production phase. This was an essential process before polishing and coating of the metal could take place. We found Tetrion to be far superior to any other, removing all ink marks with zero residue left behind. This led us to experiment with the product on other surfaces and we realised it could prove very useful to people for the purpose of graffiti removal.   

To find out more about Tetrion Graffiti Remover from BS Stainless, please visit the product page on our website. If you have any questions or need advice, simply get in touch with a member of our expert technical team. The writing's on the wall... but not for long!

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